No One Will Make Time For Your Dream

No one will make time for you

According to the first law of thermodynamics, energy can be neither created nor destroyed. Energy, and the amount of it, remains constant in the universe. The same could be said for time. There is a set amount of time in a day. It moves at a constant rate. Though you cannot create more time in the span of a day, you sure can lose it. Time is such an asset when it comes to our lives, but we all tend to keep poor track of it at one point or another leading to waste. Wasting time is the enemy of all productivity. Hopefully today’s message gets us all on track.

Plot Out A Plan For Your Day

First thing we should all do every night before we go to sleep, is plot out a plan for the next day. Have an idea of what needs to be done and prioritize those items above all else. That includes appointments and any other pre-planned engagements. Think about how long you may be there. Think about how long it will take to get to and from those places. Never forget to account for these things.

Account for Everything

The biggest area where we lose time is not accounting for travel time or buffer periods in between activities. And YES, we need to also account for our jobs EVERY DAY. Just because we are at the same place and it is routine, does not mean that there are variables that are out of our control. Those 5–10-minute increments really add up. If you are one of those people that fall behind early, and are then behind the rest of the day, this is the reason.

Time Management

I say that to say this, to have side hustles or second jobs, or even to be your own boss one day, TIME MANAGEMENT is essential. You must be able to control your time. When you do that, you can maximize every second of the day at best and be your most profitable, both monetarily and mentally. If you have a 16-hour day, plot 80% or a little over 12 hours for work/productive activities. Use the other 4 for family, self-improvement, personal/mental health, down time, or preparation to do it all over again.

Stay Disciplined

When it comes to voice over, set a goal for the number of auditions for the day. Whether it is a set number or a set time limit. Record, Edit, Send. Stay disciplined and don’t let time escape from you as more time on one area will take time away from the other, or ultimately as a perfectionist, bleeds into the rest of your day. Remember you must have the stamina to get through the entire day and then come back with that same energy tomorrow and the next. Those who master time realize there will be ups and downs. There will be days where you get more accomplished and days where you can’t get off the ground. Know that overall, your productivity is taking a steady climb in the long run, and you are establishing great habits.

Remember that NO ONE will make time for your business or your dream unless you do first. Take yourself and your time seriously.