My Voiceover Journey Begins: A Prequel of Sorts

Most epic stories begin with an epilogue, or background information prior to the start. I wonder if the same could be said for a story that is currently taking place. Does an adventure being told as it happens need a pause for backstory? Especially if the main character or characters lived an ordinary life before the adventure. How long would you want to hear about Peter Parker’s life prior to him becoming Spiderman? The heart-stopping action of him doing the dishes or taking out the trash. His battles with mowing the lawn or a Biology mid-term. See, I caught you nodding off already. However, if you are a glutton for punishment by boredom, I will indulge you. Strap on your feathery pillows and get your sleep masks ready, this won’t hurt one bit.

My name is Jody Lavigne. As of now, I’m 40 years old. I come from a small town in Louisiana. I’m a graduate of LSU. I work in IT as a technical writer. I’m a father of 3 and a husband of 1. See what I mean, you couldn’t pick me out of a lineup if you tried. For some with identity issues at this point in life, they might feel the urge to want to shake things up. The anxiety of a pretty basic life could trigger them into extreme life altering decisions like buying a motorcycle and driving across country or joining a cult. Who am I to judge? Personally, I’m a jack of all trades, so when things get a little stagnant, I try something new. I’ve done everything from tutoring to sports shows. Some ventures have lasted. I’ve been a football official for over 15 years. Others haven’t, and I have the new, unused equipment to prove it. Every adventure has come with a lesson and I have learned a lot about myself along the way. The biggest lesson of all is that I love to connect with people. I believe that connection is why I am starting this new phase, to better connect with people everywhere with my voice.

And there it is… the motivation of the main character of the story.

I hope you continue following along with me on this journey. I’m going to document my path through voiceover on this site. Hopefully anyone that is interested can learn a few things from my future successes and hurdles. I think my biggest goal is to find an outlet for myself and my family and touch a few lives along the way.

– Jody